How to train your rival - Part 2

Within ten minutes Stephen had sent me a message. What the hell? You drag me into this mess and then run off? When are you available to meet and discuss our presentation? I smiled. He’s such a brat. I replied. I can catch up at 4pm. Should we meet in one of the study rooms? His response was instant. I’ve booked room 3. See you at 4. I spent the next couple of hours planning ways to torture him with glee. This of course in no way prepared me to find him talking to a girl when I arrived. I was momentarily taken aback. He didn’t shy away. He wasn’t blushing. He was talking confidently. He even smiled in a charming way. The whole thing irked me. I walked up behind him and straight into the conversation, “Stephen! Partner! I hope you weren’t waiting long” I clapped him on the back and stood next to him facing the girl. He instantly shied away from...